日本財団 図書館


become involved in global issues.
Following this, representatives of each participating NGO presented their views of the new world system based on the local community.


Osaka Junior Chamber (Japan)
"As the philosophy of its activities for this year, the Osaka Junior Chamber has adopted the spirit of love- love of people, love of community, and love of earth. With this philosophy at heart, we are engaged in regional development and international cooperation. We think it is very meaningful and wonderful that we can discuss the creation of a new world system here today, among NGOs of the world, community workers who are endeavoring to create a richer world; and young people, who are builders of the future."
Paz Y Cooperation (Spain)
"In our country, international interest is high among local governments and local people; 70o of our budget goes to NGO activities, and international cooperation through NGOs is very actively pursued. We are encouraging cities from the North and the South, at different stages of development, to form links and learn from each other. As for Japan, we think it could go across the border and learn from Korean cities, or become an intermediary between North and South.
Also, it is important to make efforts to bridge the gaps in perspectives and sensitivities between different generations."
Medecine Sans Frontieres (France)
"The situation has been changing over the past few years, but we cannot be too optimistic. There are still sovereign nations that perpetrate massacres without qualms.
Guerrilla activities have brought some countries to a standstill. In order to resolve this situation, is it not important to hold discussions about what can be done by pooling the efforts of NGOs that work in different sectors?"
Friends of the United Nations (U.S.A.)
"At its inception, the United Nations incorporated NGO representatives. However, due to the Cold War, the ideal did not work out. With the end of the Cold War, the UN is finally beginning to start work on making contributions to mankind; and in the process, has recognized the importance of cooperation with NGOs. Testimonies to this fact are the conferences held in collaboration with NGOs, including the Earth Summit, the Children's Summit, the Vienna Conference on Human Rights, and the Women's Conference





